The Same......But Very Different

This is a deeper look into the Nevada Watt Collection that’s been flying off the website & off the shelves of our signature CCS displays inside our home of Coolhorse. (Visit

Nevada Watt is a signature craftsman from the well Nevada! She is self described in her Instagram bio as a “middle of nowhere MAKER” the magic is created with not a neighbor in sight. The magic contains a secret.....but we’re going to let you in on it. Not one of her pieces, including her CCS collection are alike, but how can this be? As a handmade maker she stamps the designs in the pieces herself. We made sure that we could provide this same hand made quality at CCS for her collection. It worked! 

That’s right every single piece even is hand stamped just as it came from Nevada’s work bench. From the “Luck Squared” ring to the “High Hope Hoops” even though it may look similar if you look a little harder, you’ll find the same handmade magic in the “Functional Champion” collection by the one and only Nevada Watt for Champion’s Choice Silver.